The first image shows the opencv2 default ouptut for the SURF algorithm applied to an image of the collection of Guttormsgaard. The circles represent the "zones of influence" of the features
In our first probe, we have tried to isolate the features and look at their visual content. A sample of a few features.
The following images show a panorama of the features. The first one is in black and white as the algorithm operates on black and white versions of the image.
The second is in color. The zones identified in black and white have been replaced by their corresponding zones in the original colored image.
1. SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) see Wikipedia entry The SURF algorithm has been patented by the firm Kooaba later sold to Qualcomm. The regulation over software patents in Europe is still a hot debate and the nation states interpret it differently (ie. France rejects it alltogether). The next step of our investigation using feature invariance will include patent-free algorithm like BRISK and ORB
2. OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library: is an open-source BSD-licensed library that includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithms.